Residential Products
Commercial Products
Residential Products
Roto-Rooter® Pipe Shield®

Roto-Rooter® Septic Tank Treatment

Roto-Rooter® Heavy-Duty Septic Tank and Leach Field Treatment


Commercial Products
Roto-Rooter® Drain and Grease Trap Treatment

Roto-Rooter® Sugar Residue Digestant

Roto-Rooter® Lift Station Grease Dissolver


Frequently Asked Questions
What drain cleaning product could I use to get my drains flowing better?
We recommend an enzyme-type product, such as Roto-Rooter Pipe Shield®. The natural enzymes eat the grease and hair and keep the pipe from filling with sludge. Pipe Shield's exclusive formula uses natural bacteria to breakdown deposits, so it's safe for the environment. When used as directed each month, build-up can be prevented for up to 30 days. Pipe Shield® is available only from Roto-Rooter locations.
I have a jug of Roto-Rooter® Pipe Shield® liquid drain cleaner. The directions say I should mix two ounces of Pipe Shield® with 32 ounces of water. When I do this, should the total of 34 ounces be applied to each drain or to all seven drains in my house?
You pour a portion of the 34 ounce solution into each drain once a month. A little bit of Pipe Shield® goes a long way. Depending on how many drains you have in your home, your Pipe Shield® could last a year or more.
Is RootX® something I can flush down my toilet or is that something Roto-Rooter or a professional should handle?
We recommend hiring a professional to apply RootX. However, you can do it yourself, but please read the instructions carefully before using. Flushing drain cleaning products down the toilet can cause additional problems if not done carefully. This product works best when applied through a sewer clean-out port with the water running. A two pound container provides effective drain care for the first 50 feet of a 4-inch sewer main.