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Greening Up Justifies Expenditures in a Down Economy

As consumers, we're hunkered down, not spending money on anything that can't wait for greener pastures. Well, you can green up your plumbing and those greener pastures will be here before you know it allowing you to recover your initial investment.

one of the greener bathroom plumbing solutions is to replace inefficient old toilets with a water-sipping 1.28 gallon per flush model, or even a 1.6 gpf model. If you aren't willing to spend $200-$300 on a more efficient toilet, consider other aspects of your bathroom plumbing Tacoma Roto-Rooter or any other location can replace your toilet fill valve with a more efficient model that will save up to three quarts per flush! That's instant savings that will add up to money in your pocket in short order.

Today's low-flow shower heads are much better than they used to be. You really can't feel the difference anymore. Add one of these and watch your savings grow. Whether dealing with residential plumbing or commercial plumbing, Roto-Rooter or most local plumbing companies can save you greenbacks as you become a little greener. There are kitchen plumbing jobs that can save water too.
