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How to Make the Most of Your Shower

There's nothing quite like unwinding before bed after a long day with a nice, warm, high-pressure shower. Or maybe you're a morning shower-taker, and that steamy blast of hot water is just the jolt you need to kick off your day. But by the same token, a bad shower experience can certainly get under your skin after a while.

When you have tried the common household tricks and your water pressure still is not improving your water pressure, check out these quick tips that might help you optimize your shower experience.


One of the most common shower-related problems is weak water pressure. When your shower stream is too gentle, it makes the task of rinsing off all those suds a little more tedious and time consuming.

An easy solution to improve shower pressure is to remove the flow restrictor. This is a fairly straightforward process that can be done with a few household tool such as pliers or a pipe wrench to disassemble the shower head.

You will know you found the restrictor when you see a white plastic disk with a small hole in the middle of it. The way it restricts your waterflow is that the white disk only allows water to flow through the small hole in the middle. By removing this you can improve and increase your water flow and pressure.

While removing the restrictor will quickly improve water pressure, it will come at a price. For instance, your water bill could increase significantly over the course of a month and you'll also notice substantially increased humidity in the bathroom during showers, which may damage paint, wall-paper, mirrors and plumbing fixtures over time.

Another alternative for homes that inherently have low water pressure is to invest in an amplifying shower head. These are water efficient and easy to install, and they will help you make the most of your shower experience.


Unusual fluctuations in shower temperature can be extremely unpleasant. No one wants their relaxing evening ruined with a cold shower, or to be unexpectedly greeted by scalding water on a hot summer afternoon.

Often, temperature fluctuations are caused by the use of another appliance such as a toilet or a washing machine. By installing a pressure-balancing valve it would ensure that the lapse in cold water pressure wouldn't cause the shower stream to become too hot. It does this by obstructing the hot water valve to balance out the pressure.

Unfortunately, if this isn't the problem, it could be a sign that there is an issue with your water heater. If you seem to only be able to take half of a shower before the cold creeps in, you might not have a large enough tank. Alternatively, there could be a maintenance issue, such as a broken pilot burner, or something else.

Your shower head and valve can have an impact on how relaxing your shower is. If you find yourself frustrated by a lack of water pressure or perhaps annoyed with mineral buildup, a new shower head can make a big difference. Today, shower heads come with countless features and benefits, so shop around. For example, a filtered shower head will remove chlorine and other harsh chemicals from the water, and that can have a positive effect on your skin. An expert can install a new shower head for you.

When all else fails, call in a professional. They'll help you identify the problem so that you can make the most of your shower.


Music can have a huge impact on your mood, and there are many ways you can incorporate music into your shower. You can set up speakers in your bathroom (outside of your shower), and turn the music up loud enough to hear over the sound of running water. Waterproof and water-resistant shower speakers are available at a wide range of price points. Many of today’s speakers are Bluetooth compatible, meaning you can listen to your favorite videos, podcasts, or streaming music stations right from your phone through the speakers. You can choose slow, relaxing music for winding down, or you can blast upbeat music to get pumped up for a night out on the town.


If you’re careful, you can bring a beverage into the shower. It may seem strange, but nearly everybody who has tried it swears by it. When winding down after a long day of work, a lot of people reach for something to drink. Whether your drink of choice is beer, wine, soda, or tea, it can do a lot to calm your nerves. You can even bring your morning coffee in the shower.



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